Guest Post by S. Leung: What Advice would Sun Tsu have had for Hannibal?

Taking the long way via the Alps to attack Rome, whilst Hannibal’s foundations in newly conquered Spain was still infirm may have achieved early success via initial surprise but may have been, strategically, a longer term mistake. By the time he reached Italy he had already lost a lot of men and almost all his […]

How Does the Political System in Ancient Rome Differ from That of Modern Day America

How was Roman democracy different from American democracy? Robin Levin, The Roman Republic was not a democracy. It was a plutocratic oligarchy. And the U.S. Republic is also not a true democracy, it is also a plutocratic oligarchy. The Greek historian Polybius, lived in the second century B.C. and spent seventeen years as a hostage […]

Guest Post by Wanetta Doty

Hearing the police officer in the helicopter through his limited social filter say about Mr. Crutcher: “…he looks like one real, bad dude,” struck a chord in me. I can’t sit back and watch these atrocities occur over and over again and remain silent. It’s UN-AMERICAN. It’s not just because my only child is a […]