I think Hannibal would have considered himself a failure, but he would probably have also blamed others, especially the Carthaginian government for not giving him more material support. Should Hannibal have besieged Rome immediately after his decisive victory at Cannae? That has been the subject of debate for millennia. I can see his reasoning for […]
Quora Question: What did Hannibal Think of the Romans
Hannibal was indoctrinated by his father, Hamilcar Barca, to hate the Romans. There is a story that, before taking Hannibal with him to Spain, Hamilcar took him to the Temple of Elissa at Carthage and made him swear an oath: “When I come to age, I shall pursue the Romans with fire and sword and […]
New Review of The Death of Carthage by Marcus Metius, AKA Alex Johnston
http://www.unrv.com/book-review/the-death-of-carthage.php The Death of Carthage by Robin E. Levin Book Review by MarcusMettius Good historical fiction is a two-fer. You can get the facts by reading Polybius and Livy. But you need a Robin Levin to introduce you to Marcus Nemo Nemonides (Marcus Nobody, son of Nobody) – I just love that name! Yep – […]
Maximus, Warts and All
I have just published my new historical novella Maximus, Warts and All, on Kindle and Create Space. Maximus,Warts and All, is the story, told in the first person, of Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator, the Roman general who confounded Hannibal’s ambitions during the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage. For those who have read […]
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