What Civilizations attempted to Colonize and Rule Spain?

Around 800 B.C. Phoenicians began colonizing Spain, establishing the city of Gades (Cadiz) in the southwest corner of Spain. Greeks also established settlements like Emporion on the east coast of Spain. Carthage, a Phoenician speaking city on the north coast of Africa attempted to colonize and rule Spain during the third century B.C. Hamilcar Barca, […]

Was Hannibal a Failure?

I think Hannibal would have considered himself a failure, but he would probably have also blamed others, especially the Carthaginian government for not giving him more material support. Should Hannibal have besieged Rome immediately after his decisive victory at Cannae? That has been the subject of debate for millennia. I can see his reasoning for […]

The Punic Wars

There were three Punic wars fought between ancient Rome and Carthage. The first lasted from 263 to 241 B.C. The origins of the First Punic War are rather murky, and it would seem that the Romans and the Carthaginians blundered into it. The catalyst was the city of Messana which had been conquered by an […]

What Were Hannibal’s Mistakes?

Some people believe Hannibal’s biggest mistake was in failing to march on Rome and besiege it after the devastating battle of Cannae, in which some 55,000 Romans and their allies were slain. I doubt that such a siege would have been successful. Hannibal had no siege equipment and it would have been difficult to maintain […]

Quora Question: Why did Hannibal Hate the Romans

Hannibal’s father was Hamilcar Barca, the most effective general Carthage produced during the 23 year long First Punic War, 264 B.C. to 241 B.C. In 264 B.C. Carthage suffered a massive defeat at the naval battle of the Aegates Islands and sued for peace. Hamilcar Barca had been having some success against the Romans in […]

Book Review: Warhorn by J. Glenn Bauer

Warhorn, as the name suggests, is a war story. The novel is past paced, exciting and graphic, with great amounts of blood and gore and intricate battle details. The novel takes place around the year 219 B.C. in Carthaginian-ruled Spain, just before the start of the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome. Carthage has […]